Back in 2019 our families life turned upside down suddenly when our eldest daughter Rhylee become very unwell and fighting for her life with an infection blood (with no signs) which then nestled in her tibia, spreading to her lungs and heart causing her right lung to collapse in her first trip to theatre for a wash out of the bone and it all went down hill from there. Rhylee developed Sepsis, a DVT in the same leg, kidneys began to fail and so much more. Mackay Base Hospital acted quite promptly and we were transported to Townsville via chopper around 36 hrs after initial surgery (which in hindsight didn't seem as complicated as it was about to become). Our 9 year old daughter was about to tackle the biggest fight of her life. Arriving in Townsville was some what a relief, I (Mel) knew that we were in the best place for her, the staff and PICU team were some of the most incredible human beings we have ever met. Our world soon come tumbling down when they doctors expressed the only way this little girl would have any chance of pulling through would be for them to put her into an induced coma. Our families heart shattered, not only were we facing seeing our baby almost lifeless we were prepared by doctors and social workers to prepare for the worst because things were not going to be a walk in the park, this child would have to fight. Many sleepless nights and long days passed by. Hurdles, scares and tears on the daily but after 3 weeks in PICU our darling was recovering and our world was slowly coming back together.
While this was unfolding our 4 other children aged 2-7 were cared for by our friends and family back home, this was another challenge in itself - not knowing when we would see them next and feeling completely alone and lost. We are forever grateful to the people who took our babies and cared for them while we spent all of our time with Rhylee.
This is where the Ronald McDonald house Charity come in, a room had been organised for Greg, Greg's Mum (Nana) and myself to have at the Ronald McDonald house situated right in the vicinity of the Townsville General Hospital - we were blown away by this place! Everything we could have needed throughout this time was there, it was a bed, it was somewhere to cook/eat, it was a place for us to breathe away but still close enough to the hospital, it was our home for the next couple of months. They shortly moved us into a family room which was just like a little apartment. This allowed family and friends to bring up our other children who could then stay with us while we took turns at staying with Rhylee. There were playgorunds, activities, tv rooms and just an absolute community of love and support! This is not the only way the RMHC impacted us during this time as when Rhylee eventually started to recover we were able to visit the RMHC Family Room in the Hospital which was a lovely space for her during some really tough and dark times.
It took a few months but we are so blessed to have a now almost 15 year old, active, healthy and happy young lady who has never shone brighter!
We are just one family that has been positively impacted by RMHC in thousands each year! We have made a family pact to every year big or small give and support RMHC in some way shape or form so they can continue to help families just like ours and so many more. So here we are! The Conditioning Station Pilates and Health Studio will be donating $10 from EVERY FULL class in December (1-21). We thank everyone who has contributed in any way shape or form! Lots of Love the Keating Family x
Thank you to my Sponsors

Conditioning Station

Clare Horne

The Flynn Family 🫶🏻
Such an important foundation to be supporting! Will never forget that life changing time your family went through. Love for you all always 🫶🏻💚🤎

Georgia Beveridge
Such an important foundation to support. So many people I know have had nothing but great help and support from the RMH! 🙌

Mikayla Head
Such a great charity to support, helping so many families. We spent sometime in the Ronald McDonald House when our little one developed sepsis at 4 months old.

Raffle plus 2 weeks of full classes